HARASS your prospect

Don't be a moron though...


There are 2 reasons why your prospect says NO to your services:

  • It isn’t the right time for them.

  • They have been BOMBARDED by other lame copywriters in the past…

In my next email I’ll give you actual sales scripts to handle these two objections like a G…

But for now, let’s just say this: unless your prospecting is as good as VICE News…

Then there is precisely ZERO reason why your prospect shouldn’t be interested in your service.

(btw, reply to this email if you’d like me to help you with your prospecting so you only reach out to people you are 1,000% sure you can help.)

Don’t be a dork and just tell them “oK, nO prObLeM, I uNdErStANd” when your prospect tells you they’re not interested.

Do you know anyone who isn’t interested in more money? Me neither.

It’s just the way you position yourself and handle their objections.

I’ll see you tomorrow for some free sales training and scripts to handle those objections like a G…

Christian @ Outlaw Marketing

P.S: I’ve partnered up with ghostwriters, email copywriters, and SMS/Telegram copywriters to create the COOLEST SMMA on X.

We’ll generate a bunch of leads for you on autopilot, and help you book sales calls with ALL of ‘em through premium Funnels and Lead-nurturing.

We even do cold outreach for you!

Reply “Autopilot” to this email and let’s have a talk!