2 Parts Of a Winning Cold Email

What’s up Outlaws. Like I said yesterday, your cold emails are supposed to be very short and simple because attention is a hot commodity these days. Your prospects are real people too, and just like you, they receive hundreds of emails daily.

To stand out from all the other promotional mails in their inbox, there are the two elements you must add to your cold email.

  • The Attention-Grabbing Opening Line.

    Start with a bang! No unnecessary greetings or beating about the bush. Some people even go the extra mile to find a personal achievement or anniversary, so they congratulate the prospect to “personalize” the email.

    Guess what? They see through all of that hypocrisy and you're not getting anywhere with that.

    Start your mail with a statement that immediately shows your prospects how much you can help them.

    “Hey man, I recently helped Mr. A increase their profit margin by 30% in just 3 weeks of running retargeting ads”

    Simple but effective because you’re showing what you can do for them.

  • A Clear CTA (Clear but not Desperate).

    Cold email without a clear CTA is totally useless. Your CTA should demand a reply from the prospect. Remember, the purpose of cold email isn’t to sell directly. It is a conversation starter and a means to the sales call. So instead of spamming Calendly links or links to your portfolio, give your prospects the opportunity to show interest by replying to your email. Links from unknown sources would likely end up in the spam box anyway.

NOTE: Your cold email is an offer to help, you’re not begging for a role. All you need is a Quick show of value + a clear CTA.

See you next week outlaws.

Christian @ Outlaw Marketing

PS: Reply to this email with “review” if you want me to review your cold email scripts in a 1 on 1 session. Let’s work on these killer scripts together. Cheers to signing more clients.